Sunday 26 January 2014

Pancakes! Pancakes!

For me it starts with good quality eggs meaning yellow yolks and nice thick shells. Then I add milk, yogurt, melted butter and vanilla.

Next is the dry; Organic whole wheat flour + a little organic white flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg and a pinch of salt.
Then gently mix wet and dry, and drop in lumps of banana. I mix the bananas into the batter to prevent them from burning.

Next I add butter to a hot skillet and let it get to the point of bubbling in the pan.

Add the pancake batter in round medallions.

I watch for the small holes to develop on the top side of the pancakes and I also check the browness on the underside.

These were just ready to be put on a warm plate.

This is a version with maple syrup and a little yogurt. The biggest challenge was to keep the pan at the right temperature and get some for myself.

Here was my favorite with yogurt, maple syrup, and black currant jam.  Yum!

1 comment:

  1. Delicious"!!!!!! And beaitifully done!
    GOOD job!
