Monday 20 January 2014

Burdock root!

here is some freshly dug burdock root

here is the preparitory process after peeling

After soaking in Rice wine vinegar, soy sauce and some other ingredients, you can be creative. It is then fried.

and finally ... plating and presentation( as a side dish) :


  1. Looks good and interesting. What actually is burdock root? A starch...? How does it taste? What do you eat it with. I have heard it has possibly folkloric healing properties...? What culture does it come from?
    Thanx from MG

  2. In it`s second year it makes those half inch balls of burs that you can throw at each other and stick to shirts! The whole plant is actually edible. The seeds have a quicker healing effect but the Root effects deeper healing ;) There are many subspecies of this plant. It is very popular in Asia and used to be popular in Europe even as a farmed crop but somehow it lost favor. It tastes best marinated with soya sauce and some vinegar. Although you can season it in many different ways. You can just search Burdock root on Google, it will give you some more info ;)
