Tuesday 9 February 2016

Rheingau, Riesling, Kloster Eberbach, Fruchtig 2014

Welcome to Kloster Eberbach. I might get my favorite one from the cellar to evaluate as well if there are enough requests.

Grape Type: Riesling
Sub-Type: Rauenthaler
Harvest Year: 2014
Vinyard: Kloster Eberbach
Region: Rheingau
Flavor classification: Fruchtig (Fruity, sweet)
Quality classification: VDP. Ortswein
Vintner: Hessische Staatsweingüter GmbH Kloster Eberbach
         D-65346 Eltville
Price: €9,59


So far, I have liked most of the wines from Kloster Eberbach. It is a State winery of Hessen and they tend to make a quality product. This wine was no exception. Here the sweet fruit flavor compliments the lemon terrior properly. It has a sweet fruit flavor up front and a bite in the back of the throat. You can feel the warmth going all the way down to you stomach.

Color: light golden
Aroma: grassy,
Taste: fruit, light citrus
Style: fresh

My evaluation:

Nose(1-5):            4
Flavor(1-25):        21
Character(1-10):   8
Balance(1-5):       4
Length(1-5):         5
Total(Total+50):   92

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