Thursday 28 August 2014

Chocolate chip scones (no wheat)

so, i have been cooking and baking a lot with spelt flour recently.

What follows are my Spelt flour, Chocolate Chip Scones

here are the basic ingredients:
a thick pinch of Salt ( i used natural sea salt) 
about two cups of flour ( i used Spelt flour)
1/2 to 3/4 cups of sugar ( i used a nice brown Mascobado sugar)
1/2 teaspoon of backing powder
125 g butter ( not pictured)

those are first ingredients

mix the dry ingredients first

then grate in butter! i found this a great, easy way to add butter instead of cutting it in ;)

after mixing in the butter it looks like coarse meal ;)

chop about a hundred g of chocolate or add raisins or nuts .... or any other thing you might like in scones :)

it can be fun to cut into any sizes that you want ... from shavings to larger chunks


mix it up!

next we need the wet ingredients.

one recipe said sour cream ... first i used sour rahm, next i tried fresh cream! all depends on your taste preference ... my wife likes it a little sweeter :)

200 g of something creamy mixed with one egg ... add vanilla essence if you want or lemon essence for lemon scones ... creativity is always fun!

fresh cream and egg with a little mixing bowl ;)

nice dark yellow yolk! ;) means that the chickens ate green grass! :) and some fresh bugs :)

mix well!

add to the "dry" ingredients

mix with a fork till it starts to come together

then use hand till it starts to ball up

work it till all dry stuff in the bowl stay in the dow ... will also form better if it is in one even ball

place on a floured surface .. i have a nice board for this ;)

flatten it out

work it into a rectangle

here you can form the edges :)

add flour so that your hands do not stick to it

a nice rectangle ... ready to cut!

decide how big you want your scones before you cut ;) or you could make them int balls and partially flatten them if you want :) if the first batch is bad ... they can only get better!!!

i cut mine into triangles ;)

on backing paper ready to bake! 

use about 220? i usually just do it by feel :)

bake for about 15-20 minutes ... till golden brown ... an egg wash would make them shiny and sugar can be nice if they are lemon scones

nice golden brown!

let them cool some ... then enjoy with your favorite beverage ... you can also cover them in double cream and/or jam for extra decedance ;)))

Yummy !!!! just like that!

1 comment:

  1. Looks really good Dan! Laura made strawberry scones yesterday and they turned out really good. ;-)
