Thursday 29 May 2014


I really do not like using Recipes unless I really have to ;)

Here are most of the ingredients for my Quiche! Although, I always miss something and add it later, like salt and pepper ;)

I have a spring-form pan and a mixing bowl

I cut in about 110 grams of butter with about 200 grams of flour

Here are the pieces of butter before cutting (if you want to make Vegan or vegetarian crust ... use olive oil or some other plant oil)

cut the butter until it is about pea sized, about ... 3 centimeter diameter, you do not have to be exact, just do not mix too much!

the final product

I decided to add some dried Chives to make the crust a little more interesting, and some salt of course!

while stirring add some water until it starts to stick together, just make sure not to make it too moist ... put it on a big board or hard surface to roll it out so that it will fit in your pie plate or in my case spring-form.

you want to butter the spring form. I also like to put some baking paper on the bottom, makes removal that much easier. I also do this with cheese cakes. (For Vegans, can use any kind of vegetable oil.)

Here we have the crust inside. you can cut uneven parts of it to add to parts that are not high enough up the edge ;)

Usually one uses beans to weigh down the aluminum foil, but having none on hand I used potatoes. Make sure to perforate the foil in the middle so that the moisture can escape.

melting butter

fresh washed young spinach!

just cook in a covered pan

This will be great in the quiche!

Here after the crust has baked some, I add the spinach on the bottom

making the filling:
The rest of the butter ... 140 grams?
7 eggs
more dried chives, fresh is yummier!
500 ml of buttermilk
500 ml Schichtkäse (german fresh cheese)
bacon bits
some flour or other thickener, not needed but ...

if you want Vegan(use the same amounts as with non-Vegan ingredients that you are substituting):
use blended tofu
soak blended flax seeds in water, they make a binder like eggs
It can be done, just have to be creative and experiment ;)

I am so happy to finally have a mixer!

looks good!

Here I add the bacon bits

I decided on Mushrooms on a whim ... (my wife`s suggestion ;) )

I got the mushrooms on one side, I like variation! but if you want it consistent, that is easy as well.

40 or so minutes in the oven. I never use a timer ... waited for it to puff up and get nice and brown.

after some cooling with some nice herbs for presentation ;)

and here ... enjoying a slice at a picnic!

It was a big hit!

Quiche made a fun picnic better! ;)

I even got to eat some leftovers for lunch later ;)

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